Monday, 18 May 2009

Notes from conversation about an idea about a event

Bad english. Open show next week and dont have much time:
A one day event with performances. Invite artists from both Sweden and abroad. Theme: contemporality. (Maybe invite Duo maglioni Magic Duo)

A three hour programme, with a break. Party after. Perhaps a small exhibition on the same theme or something that concerns performance art.

Perhaps a workshop with the participating artist. Activities in Norrköping during a couple of days in relation to the event. We would like the project to have a social base.

Maybe a workshop for the audience. Could perhaps result in so0mething during the event…

An other idea is to collaborate with some other event in another city. We have a loose idea about making an artwork together that would be about communication and that should be possible for the audience to interact with. Maybe with sound or pics or video.

Sunday, 17 May 2009



Performanceevent hösten 09

Anteckningar från samtal om en event-idé.

Performanceevent under en dag. Bjuda in konstnärer från Sverige och övriga länder. Tema: samtidighet. Kanske bjuda tex Duo maglioni Magic Duo.

Ha ett program på ca tre timmar. M paus. Fest efteråt. Kanske en mindre utställning också på samma tema eller som berör performance/ samtidighet på ngt sätt.

Kanske en workshop m de inbjudna konstnärerna. Att man har aktiviteter i Norrköping i ett par dagar tillsammans i anslutning t eventet. Roligt om projektet har en social grundstomme. ¨

En workshop för publiken kunde också vara intressant om vi hittar ngn annan som vill driva den. Kunde resultera i ngt på eventet sen..

Samarbeta m liknande event på annan ort i Sverige el utomlands. Ev kunde vi utveckla ett eget konstverk som skulle vara ngt interaktrivt. Med bild el ljud. Kommunikation mellan de två platserna.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Thursday, 14 May 2009


I guess we are suppose to write in english so I will give it a try. Matilda and I work in Norrköping, Sweden. We are studying at the University here, but we are both from Stockholm originally. We have worked with per and I think some more of you with a show in Norrköping: (Anti)realism - Workshot 1. It was a great deal of fun trying to arrange all the practical details at an event with 25 participants from Europe and China. We found an great space to use for this event in central Norrköping. We liked it a lot and have recently decided to start using it as a showroom and make exhibitions there regularly.

At the moment I am working with an exhibition that will open in two weeks: Old Media - New Work. It will show paintings from five swedish artists. The theme is the media-painting, you could say. There is a big New Media festival going on in Norrköping at the same time and our show is in one way a comment on that. We are asking: Where lies the new? Is it in the story, the presentation, the estetics or the media? It could be either is my guess.

The participating artists is Magnus Alexandersson, Richard G Carlsson, Anna Kinbom, Fredrik Lindberg and pelle Perlefelt. Please read more (unfortunatly in swedish) on the webpage: Verkstad is the name of the space we use and are trying to establish as a spot for art in Norrkoping. Translates sort of as Workshop.

Thats it for now.
